Monday, January 3, 2011

First Official Post


New Year, New Blog!

Welcome to Open House!  I chose this title because I will mix a little of my home life and my school life into this new adventure of blogging!  I can’t wait to dive in head first.  I am just learning about blogging so bare with me!  I am so inspired by all of the recent blogs I have been reading. So, I decided I wanted to (maybe) inspire someone?! (Even if its my Momma! lol)

Topics will be but are not limited to:

Make-It Monday:  This will be a home or school inspired craft or recipe.

Teacher Talk Tuesday: Hot topics in teaching, funny stories from my class room, etc

What I Want Wednesday:  I am a shop-ah-holic! I will be showcasing items that are on my wishlist!

Thankful Thursday: Something that I am thankful for.

Free Choice Friday: Random bits I would love to share.

Wedding Weekends:  I’ll keep you up to date on all things wedding and the planning process.  Whoop Whoop!!!!

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